Hello World! Sorry for not posting sooner. Just recently I heard about the Humuhumunukunukuapua`a, and I thought is was a real tongue twister. Rhinecanthus rectangulus is the fish’s scientific name. It is the official state fish of Hawaii. The first part of its name means “to fit pieces together”, and the second part means “snout like a pig”. It is also sometimes referred to as the reef triggerfish. According to dictionary.com, the pronunciation is “hoo-moo-hoo-moo-noo-koo-noo-koo-ah-poo-ah-ah” (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/humuhumunukunukuapuaa).
- Dictionary.com
- Waikikiaquarium.org
- Visitsealife.com
- Picture: Wikipedia.org
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