Hello world! I hope you are doing well during this pandemic. My sister, Sophia, recently wrote a fictional short story for a school assignment. It is called “The Super Dog”. It is about a puppy from another planet who gets stranded on Earth and has to save the world. The main character is based off of our dog, Teddy. I hope you enjoy the story!
The Super Dog
By Sophia
Long, long, ago, there was life on Mars. On Mars lived powerful puppies, where each dog had a different power. One day a meteor came and changed everything. One dog family came back from a vacation in a different galaxy, and saw what happened, The planet had no life on it anymore. The parents searched for any life, but there was nothing. Soon, the parents became very ill. Their little puppy got on their spaceship to get help. Not knowing how to drive it, the little puppy landed on a close planet with blue oceans and green grass. The planet he learned as Earth. The ship crashed to the ground hard, the puppy yelped as it fell, he wanted to get up but the grass was so soft he fell asleep. Soon, he felt arms pick him up, and put him into a comfy bed. There was a soft whisper in his ear.
“I’m going to call you Teddy.”
When he woke up, a little girl stared at him.
“Isn’t he cute?!” She said.
But to him, it sounded like gibberish. The only thing he understood was the tone. She sounded friendly and nice.
“We should take him to the vet,” said a strong, older man.
“I agree completely, but maybe in one hour. He looks really sleepy.” She replied.
“Fine,” the man said.
And Teddy went back to sleep. He dreamt about raindrops falling onto the ground. He dreamt about chasing his old friends through wild storms. He dreamt about being with his family back home. But then he heard footsteps coming closer.
Poke! Poke! Poke!
Finally, after all of the poking, he woke up. The little girl was there. Before he knew it, she picked him and ran out the door. Outside, it was hot and sunny, it was a beautiful summer day. She ran, and ran, and ran with him in her little arms. She finally stopped at a large building. When they went inside, Teddy saw the old man.
“Hey there Grandpa!” she yelled.
“Tiny, you’re ten minutes late! The vet is waiting.” He replied.
A woman wearing a white coat was standing in front of him.
“Hello there. My name is Doctor Wallace. Come inside.” The lady said.
The strange woman asked the little girl, or Tiny, and Grandpa some questions. Then she put him on a thing called a scale. Teddy could not read the symbols. Finally, the lady flashed some light into his eyes. Then they were done.
Then they heard a scream. They turned around. A huge monster was destroying the city. To Teddy it smelled delicious, almost like sausage. Then he realized; it was a huge sausage!
“Maybe the monster is nice,” Teddy barked even though no one could understand him.
He had met plenty of nice monsters in his time on Mars. He was even friends with a few. He considered saying hi, until he saw the monster charging towards them. He thought about what to do to save everyone. And then, he had a flashback to his old life. He was chasing his friends through the air! He was flying!
Teddy flew into the sky.
“How can he do that!” Tiny yelled from the ground.
He chased around the monster, trying to punch it with his super strength. Teddy could see that the monster was getting more and more tired with every hit. It also appeared to be shrinking smaller. Eventually, it was a normal size. He could hear the crowd chanting his name, cheering him on, with Tiny leading them all.
“Teddy! Teddy! Teddy! Teddy! Teddy!” The crowd cheered.
He didn’t know what to do, so he did the best thing he could do.
CHOMP! With one bite, the monster was gone for good.
“You saved the day!” Tiny exclaimed. “And since you were good, let’s go get ice cream!”
Teddy wagged his tail. He loved ice cream. And they enjoyed their special treat. Turns out, ice cream on Mars is just as good as the ice cream on Earth, his new home.
The End!
For now!

Copyright © 2020 Sophia, All rights reserved.
Thanks for reading this post and stay tuned!
Nice story. Keep posting
Very good story. Keep up your good work.
Sophia I so enjoyed reading your story. Can’t wait to read the sequel:)
Auntie D
Awesome job dear Sophia!!!.
Very inspiring for my boys.
Way to go!!!
Good Job Sophia. Keep writing stories ?
This was so good Sophia! Keep up the good work!♥️